Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lindsay Turns Jail Stint into Cash Cow

Lindsay Lohan may be behind bars, but she is making more money there than she's made in the last year.

The actress managed to finalize TV and news deals the night before she went off to the clink. Sources tell Fox 411 that she locked down all her tell-all interviews already and she will likely be making seven figures when it is all said and done for her story from jail.
 "On Monday night, the night before she had to report to jail to serve her sentence, she tied up all loose ends and signed contracts for exclusive television and print stories," a industry source told us. "She'll be doing major television sit downs after she finishes all of her sentence. Lindsay is going to tell everything about her experience in jail, she will open up about her entire life."

Lindsay's mom, Dina, will also be a part of the interviews, but her father Michael Lohan will have no part in the tell-alls.

"Dina was a part of the team that brokered all the deals. They made phone calls, and set up the interviews within three days," the source said. "They wanted to get it all done before she was remanded to Lynwood and they did. It is a small solace to Lindsay while in jail that at least she can continue to make money in some way."

Meanwhile, Lindsay's friend tells us that she's struggling in jail but her friends and family believe that she will come out refreshed when she finishes her rehab.

"She's tough, but being in a cell is hard on her. She cries daily and her emotions are up and down. Everyday is a struggle to stay positive, but we all believe that she will be stronger when she finishes her sentence."

"This is the beginning of a long road that will put her on the right path," sources added.


1 comment:

  1. WOW, And they said that going to jail is bad....
    Man, this is just amazing, again signifies the problems with star culture....
