Monday, August 2, 2010

The 10 Best Twist Endings in Movies

In an age of pre-release hype and Internet script leaks, a truly-surprising twist ending is especially hard to pull off. Yet Hollywood loves them when they're done right because they mean repeat business, since a well-executed twist ending sheds a new light on everything that came before it, sending audiences back to the theater to watch the movie again in hopes of picking up the clues this time around.

Audiences like twists because we like getting duped -- up to a point. A good twist ending leaves you feeling admiration at getting played by a master storyteller; a bad twist ending (think 'No Way Out,' or 'Basic') just leaves you feeling played. The ending can't seem arbitrary, non sequitur, or tacked on; it should flow naturally and organically (if only in retrospect) from the rest of the story.

Does 'Shutter Island' meet the criteria for top-notch twist endings? We'll let you decide, as you see how it stacks up with the following list of our 10 favorite twist endings.

10. 'Seven' (1995)
There are lots of twists in David Fincher's serial killer classic, starting with the revelation midway through of an unbilled Kevin Spacey as the nameless murderer. But the big shocker comes at the end, when sleuth Brad Pitt opens that unfortunate box and is goaded by Spacey into doing his dirty work for him, completing the series of seven deadly-sin murders and damning his own soul. Maybe the bleakest movie ending ever.

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  1. Some of my all time fav movies are in this list. I like Usual Suspects ending the most, by a thin margin though. The walk changing from paralytic to normal is exhilarating

  2. Thanks for that post Avis. I love the ending of Seven, and Sixth Sense too.

  3. Planet of Apes ending is profound.

    Saw "Seven" over the weekend. I liked it but Somehow I guessed the ending murder.

    I liked "Nine queens" ending more than "Sting".

  4. I liked the ending of Micheal Douglas's "The Game".

  5. Not heard of Nine Queens. Need to check it out then.

    I liked Primal Fear as well. Edward Norton was fantastic.

  6. Just saw the Nine Queens trailer. Reminded me that I liked Matchstick Men ending too...
