The Princess Bride
When the family gathers, in goes Rob Reiner's The Princess Bride DVD and a good time is had by all. The story of a sweet princess (Robin Wright), a silently adoring farm boy (Carey Elway), a scheming Sicilian (Wallace Shawn), a dumb kind hearted giant (Andre the Giant), an evil prince (Chris Sarandon), and an avenging son (Mandi Patinkin), is told to an ailing grandson (a cute as a button Fred Savage) by his grandfather (Peter Falk).
What's to not like? There is romance ("Farm boy, fetch the water!" – "As you wish!"), there is revenge ("My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!"), there is action ("I must tell you that I am not left handed" – flips his sword into his right hand and replies "I am not either!"), there is comedy ("Inconceivable!" – "That word that you keep using. I do not think it means what you think it means!"), there is fantasy (The Cliffs of Insanity, Rodents of Unusual Size). Above all there is a dead hero, but because he is only nearly dead, there is a happy ending!
This movie never fails to entertain me and make me smile. If you missed it, do catch it this holiday season. And share your favorites!
I have always been a fan of fencing, and this film has some of the best fencing ever seen in the movies!