Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Guzaarish updated with 4th Dialog promo - REVEALS ALL

The title song, with its sparse European sound has a charming tune, but Sau gram zindagi sounds labored, tune and lyrics-wise. Tera zikr is dialog camouflaged as tune and repetitively hams, while Saiba gets its sound right, but everything else wrong, particularly Vibhavari’s vocals. Jaane kiske’s George Michael’ish sound endears and Udi’s nuanced, riot of North African sound too; Sunidhi rocks here! Keh na sakun, Daayein baayein and Dhundhli are indistinguishably melancholic and predictable, while Chand ki katori falls into the same pattern, but at least stands out for Harshdeep Kaur’s vocals. Please get yourself a music composer, Mr. Bhansali.


WTF : The budget of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Guzaarish is 80cr!


Yes, 80 fucking crores! What are the guys at UTV Motion Pictures smoking ? Please pass the dope. And believe it or not, the budget is not the only shocking part of the film.
Try guessing director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s fees. As wild as you want. And if you are done with it, breathe easy and hold your jaws tightly. Bhansali has been paid Rs 25 fucking crore as writing & direction fees! Beat that. And 25 crore to the director whose last film was Saawariya! BTW, do the guys at UTV read scripts ? Doesn’t look like. Atleast thats what it seems from their last few releases. And those of you, who are still bothered about Saawariya – how it got made and financed, click here to read the curious case of Saawariya. Its a must read. Seems like UTV guys don’t subscribe to Open Magazine. Do it, its good. And Beware!

Also, Hrithik Roshan has been paid Rs 15crore and Aishwarya Rai’s fees is Rs 5 crore for Guzaarish, and both of them command much higher fee in the market. Bhansali’s 25crore fees also include the clause that he will get Hrithik & Aishwarya Rai  at a discounted rate. The production budget of the film is Rs 35 crore. And that’s how the total budget is Rs 80 crore ( 25 + 15 + 5 + 35)
Now, the big question is how do they plan to recover so much ? It seems UTV is clear on that front. If they are lucky, they will break even. If not, its just to make their CV look good, maintain their position in the share market, make it look big to get easy funding. Its all about the big picture with the biggest stars and a big director and Guzaarish is just a 80crore tool to make that picture look good. The film ?  Well, it seems like Prestige meets The Sea Inside meets The Diving Bell and the butterfly.

click to enlarge pics


  1. I finally understood Hrithik's homeless hobo look. SLB is trying to make Hrithik look like him. :-O

  2. ohh so you mean SLB is trying to live off his dream thru HR?

    Thats why HR is magician, which clearly SLB thinks of himself, and dating Aish, which mayt be what SLB desires....

  3. and this comment in original article is apt reply to post:

    but if UTV wants to spend 80 crores to look good in the share market, its their choice na !!
    They are blowing away their own money or say public money…public should be worried not critics or pseudo-critics like you…you should be concerned about the film and its content and various aspects of the film..not its budget…
    Let them do it. You can criticize the film, actors, directors – but you would have criticised them even if budget was 30 crores and not 80…so go ahead..thats the point of your existence, isnt it?

  4. Dos this mean there should be no discussion of film budgets? And when was the last time the director got almost twice more than an A list actor for a film? This is very interesting news indeed - and this is cost for a film made in English about Euthanasia? What are the chances of recovery?

  5. well this is not confirmed. As per report in HT budget was 35 Cr.

    Comment was in original blog where article was put with out any authenticity just to criticize movie.

  6. SLB is not exactly known for low budget movies, so I won't be surprised that its an expensive movie. Consider Saawariya, with noobs it was a pretty expensive affair, this one has Aish-HR, so you can easily add20+ crs for them.

    Now add the fact that the movie is about a magician, so more camera tricks and VFX.....

    This one is an expensive movie, no doubts. But HR is one of the guys who can justifyu the budget all by himself, and this one has both HR and Aish.

  7. Is Hrithik playing magician or ballet dancer?

  8. @ Anonymous - i have seen magicians mixing dance with Magic to make it more interesting and engaging for audience

  9. I used to think that SLB is one of the talented filmmakers in our industry but now i lost respect for this man...few scenes shown in the trailer itself are a copy from the film "Deep sea inside" and not to mention the "Prestige" look and music as well...
    m not gonna watch this copied crap...which would be like encouraging these filmmakers to copy films from west ...copy someone's work...

    Feel sorry for Hrithik though who seems to have put so much hardwork...n Ash as usual endorsing Loreal throghout the movie(whats with the loads of make up???

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
