Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dhobi Ghat theatrical trailer


  1. Could Midget Khan possibly be more vain? His "a" at the beginning of the promo takes up a good 30 seconds basking in its own glory!

    I have to say I like the promo. I had zero interest in this film but the music sounds good and it does create some curiosity for the movie. I don't think it bodes well for the success of the movie though if I like it. So far I've hated almost everything Aamir has touched in the last few years and it's gone on to great success!

  2. Dont think the wifey was too thrilled with Aamir's acting...looks like she caught him by the collar and banged his head against the wall...can see some choona on his hair..

    I liked the promo once Yasmin came in to the meeting (mating???) game...

  3. Awesome Promo!

    Pratiek might have a good future.

  4. The a in the spotlight for so long was actually pretty narcissistic! Promo told us nothing but did introduce 4 characters quite well. I think Mumbai was the 5th character. Prateik has a future in Hindi cinema - hope he is able to stay away from the usual things that happen to star kids.
